
Disponibile upgrade engine v.4 per CMFI

sabato 29 ottobre 2016

Patch 1.04 per Black Sea.... in sordina

Il 20 ottobre è stata pubblicata sul sito della Battlefront la patch 1.04 per Combat Mission Black Sea.

Il fatto un po' strano a cui per ora non riesco  a dare una spiegazione è che la notizia non è stata messa nella home page, quindi se volete  scaricarla è necessario che andiate nella pagina dedicata al gioco e alle patches (ecco il link).

La notizia è stata data giusto sul forum, comunicando che si tratta dell'ultima patch gratuita per CMBS prima che sia rilasciato l'upgrade all'engine CMx2 v4.0, il quale come al solito sarà a pagamento e pian piano disponibile per tutti i giochi base esclusi CMA e CMSF. Con ogni probabilità il primo che utilizzerà  l'aggiornamento CMx2 v4.0 sarà CMFI in coincidenza con l'uscito del nuovo modulo.

Per la lista di cosa varia e sistema la patch potete fare riferimento sempre al link dove si scarica oppure  andate in fondo al post dove ho incollato il tutto.

Per installarla dovete avere la versione 1.03 del gioco  e consiglio comunque, prima di applicarla, di salvare le partite che avete in corso, in fase di comando, comprese le PBEM.



Effectiveness of the M-25 CDTE's HE grenade has been increased against enemy troops.
More models of recoilless weapons can fire indoors, and with less suppression on the firing troops.
Infantry mortar teams will now use their mortars when given a Target Light area fire command.
FIXED: Disposable AT weapons not disappearing from the soldier's kit after use.
FIXED: Igla S missile offset from tube when launching.
FIXED: Rarely an AT-14 team would be unable to finish deploying the ATGM inside houses.
FIXED: M25 CDTE has 5-round magazine.

IFVs with cannons and ATGMs will more intelligently choose which weapon systems to engage enemy vehicles with.
Abrams tank side turret armor (both base armor and ERA) is now less effective at defending against tandem HEAT warheads.
Russian Kontakt-1 and Kontakt-5 ERA are now less effective at defending against tandem HEAT warheads.
Abrams smoke deploys slightly more slowly.
Ukrainian tank ammunition loads have been adjusted. Oplot-M now carries APFSDS 3BM42 Mango (instead of Zubr), and T-64BV now carries APFSDS 3BM22 Zokolka (instead of APFSDS 3BM42 Mango). T-6DBV now carries 3BK18 HEAT shells instead of 3BK18M.
BTR-80A, BTR-82, and BTR-82A are now more willing to area fire in low visibility conditions.
2K22M Tunguska does not have thermal optics (the 2K22M1 still does).
FIXED: The AT-10's tandem HEAT warhead from the BMP-3/3M was too weak against ERA.
FIXED: Sometimes Bradley and Abrams ERA blocks would fail to function, allowing HEAT warheads to travel through them and hit the base armor unimpeded.
FIXED: At close LOD, BMP-2M would look like a BMP-2.

FIXED: UAV thermal vision works better in poor weather.
Quick Battles:

QB prices of fortifications have been increased.
Tunguska SPAA QB price increased.

Improved textures for M110.
Improved textures for Skif.
Improved textures for AK-74M.
Added muddy textures for MT-12 Rapira.
Corrected some mismapped textures in a few flavor objects.
Small adjustments to a variety of vehicle models.
Misc Bug Fixes

FIXED: M1167 Humvees would sometimes count as a tank kill on the AAR screen.
FIXED: Unit crossing bridge would sometimes get stuck or needlessly zigzag.
FIXED: Sometimes a wire fence would stay upright after a vehicle rolled through it.
FIXED: A specific Independant House building model had opaque windows.
FIXED: Other minor misc bug fixes.

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